Tools 4 Schools & Classroom Grants

When teachers have the supplies and support they need, they can focus on what matters most, learning. Simply put, when teachers are supported, children win.

Supporting teachers helps students.

Tools 4 Clay Schools

The Tools 4 Clay Schools program collects, stores, and distributes school supplies to alleviate the financial burden on teachers and low-income parents. The store allows teachers to “shop” for classroom materials at no cost, helping classrooms in need year-round. Teachers often spend an average of $600 or more from their own pockets on supplies. It shows their commitment, but causes financial strain. By making a monetary or supply donation, you can support our teachers and parents alike.

Who can shop?

Apple icon

Full-time teachers

Clipboard icon

Social workers

Books icon

Resource teachers

Chat icon

ESOL teachers

Media player icon

Media specialists

Megaphone icon

Instructional coaches

Paint icon

PE, art & music teachers

Compass icon

Guidance counselors

Parents school shopping

Schedule your shopping time.

All eligible shoppers can schedule a 15-minute shopping window during our open dates and times each quarter. If you are a new teacher or have issues logging in to schedule your shop, please reach out to Heather Obermiller at

Schedule Now

School year shopping events and hours

Green Cove Springs location

Garber Automall Pre-Owned Building
3600 US Hwy-17, Green Cove Springs, FL 32043

Friday, January 3rd – 12:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Monday, March 24th, 2024- 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm


Keystone Satellite Store

Located in the back of the gym at Keystone Elementary Gym Room
795 Orchid Ave, Keystone Heights, FL 32656

Tuesday, January 14th, 2023 – 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
March Date TBA


Grants 4 great ideas

The Clay Education Foundation and the Community First Cares Foundation are teaming up for “Grants 4 Great Ideas,” offering $25,000 to support innovative literacy and STEM projects for students. A selection committee will identify projects with high potential for student impact. Selected projects will be fully funded through DonorsChoose, with teachers eligible for up to $750 per grant in literacy and STEM, and school-wide grants available up to $1,250. Teachers can apply for up to three grants, while schools can receive one grant per cycle.

Apply Now
Coins Icon


Your Donation. Doubled.

Every dollar you give is matched by the state of Florida, doubling your impact. Join us in providing innovative, high-quality public education for every student in Clay County.

Donate Now